About Desktops

Desktops are supplementary home page-type screens which help you access widgets relevant to specific roles or functions. For example, if you have a range of responsibilities, e.g. teaching, administrative or managerial, it may be more practical to create supplementary desktops for each role to keep the number of widgets on your home page more manageable.

Example: A Head of Year profile's home page could include more generic widgets, such as calendar and notifications, while an additional 'Head of Year' desktop could provide widgets summarising information about pupils in their year.

The following screenshot shows an example desktop for a teacher. It has been designed using widgets that show details of the user's calendar, subject set, lesson and form absences, outstanding school reports and favourite reports.

Example of a possible 'Teacher' desktop

The following screenshot is an example desktop for a Director of Studies, which shows the user's forthcoming notifications, their calendar / diary, report completion progress, markbooks and information about pupil detentions, attendance and absences.

Example of a possible 'Director of Studies' desktop

Desktops are usually designed and allocated to users by System Administrators.

Note: Advanced users may be given access to manage their own home pages and desktops. If users have been granted this access, they can add, edit and create globally available and / or personal home pages / desktops.

What are widgetsClosed A widget is a mini-application which performs a very specific task, such as showing you your calendar, a list of absentees from your form group or a chart of outstanding reports you have to complete.?